Stress Is Like An Earthquake On The Body

Stress is one of the greatest enemies to our quality of life. Dealing with it has never been easier. The Peace patch is a noninvasive and drug-free technology that may improve general wellness through vibrotactile stimulation which may allow users to naturally experience improved clarity and calmness.

Reduce Stress




Drug Free


Backed By Science. Proven In Studies.

Vibrotactile Technology is a contact-based technology. Each type of Super Patch has a distinct rigid pattern that sends a unique neural signal. When the pattern touches our skin, it triggers a sensation and sends information to your brain. The brain and nervous system processes that information and may lead to benefits like pain management, better mobility and balance, increased strength, better sleep, and enhanced focus and mood.

The peace patch may help your general wellness by improving your mood, helping you destress and remain calm.

Improvement of Mental Health and Anxiety with Haptic Technology Patch Utilization: Interim Results from an Exploratory Study
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Effects Of Pattern Forearm Stimulation On The Human Electroencephalogram And Cognitive Networks
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“I am not a good sleeper at the best of times. Stress only adds to the lack of sleep. The REM patch now offers restful sleep for up to 6 hours, which is like a whole new lease on life for me. I don’t have to use it every day anymore because I am no longer dead tired. Thanks, VoxxLife.”

Margaret Perquin on Solid Stress-Free Sleep

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Over 6 million people have used VTT Technology, with some people seeing incredible results!


The technology inside the Super Patch has uniquely arranged ridges that look like a QR code, when these ridges touch our skin, our cells transmit unique signals that interact with our body's nervous system.

The inventor of these patches discovered the different signals that work with the body’s physical, mental and emotional functions, each different Super Patch has a unique ridged pattern (QR Codes) that helps with a wide array of wellness and performance benefits

Super Patch technology couldn't be easier to use! The technology is strategically placed on all of the products to be in contact with your skin, thus initiating the vibrotactile stimulation.

Yes! Super Patch technology was strategically studied and designed to provide a 100% drug-free, natural, and non-invasive solution for people managing pain, balance, and mobility issues, and have since developed many more solutions to help improve more people's quality of life. Plus, the effects are almost immediate!

Super Patch offers a full 30-day money-back guarantee, giving you plenty of time to try the product and experience the benefits, first-hand.